Typical Lesson Plan

In this blog we will roughly lay out what a ‘typical’ 40 hours of lesson might look like, taking into account that all instructors teach with a different approach this is just a guide. They may do things differently of course taking into account how easily the student picks things up, sometimes you may need […]


The Importance Of Checking Mirrors

The Importance of Checking Your Mirrors While Driving When you’re behind the wheel, there’s one action that stands out as vital for your safety and the safety of others: checking your mirrors. While it may seem like a simple task, consistently monitoring your mirrors is key to ensuring that you’re fully aware of your surroundings. […]


Preparing For Your First Lesson

When you have a first lesson it can feel daunting and a little scary. But fear not we can help calm your nerves and get you ready to take your first lesson.Firstly mindset is a big factor, ensuing your mind is calm and collected can increase your chances of having a great first lesson. When […]


Driving At Christmas

  Driving at Christmas can be a stressful time, filled with delays due to traffic as everyone rushes around getting last minute presents and traveling to friends and family. But fear not, there is steps you can take to help you have a smoother journey. Lots of people embark on longer journeys over the holiday […]

