Monthly Archives: June 2009

June 2, 2009
Drink Drive Crackdown

Police have launched a month-long crackdown on summer drink-drivers in Oxfordshire.

Officers will be stepping up stop-checks across the county to catch out anyone over the alcohol limit.

Last year’s summer campaign saw police stop 3,646 drivers in the Thames Valley. Nine per cent were found to be over the limit.

Police will also breath-test all motorists involved in collisions.

Supt Gill Wootton, head of the Thames Valley force’s roads policing unit, said: “If you drink and then drive home, you’re not just putting your own life in danger, you’re jeopardising the lives of other road users.

“We will be carrying out targeted, intelligence-led roadside tests and we also test every driver involved in a collision, regardless of the time of day and whether they have been drinking or not.

“We need the help of the public to put pressure on people who are considering driving home when they’re not fit to do so, to keep themselves and the public safe.

“Ask yourself, if you killed a child because of your selfishness, could you face their mum and dad? And if someone died because you didn’t stop your friend or partner from driving, how would explain your inaction to their grieving loved one?
