We all know what’s it like on test day! You’ve prepared and you know you can pass it but you’ve got the jitters. What do you do?
You know us better than to think we wouldn’t have an answer. Here are our 5 top tips:
1) Get organised. You can do this is by having everything prepared the night before. Have your driving licence and papers ready so you’re not worrying about these the next day – which won’t help your nerves.
2) Know the car. Will you be taking your test in a car that you have learnt in? If you’re asked to open the car bonnet do you know how?
3) Make a good impression on your examiner – you know, a smile. Of course, if you make a serious mistake you’ll still fail, it’s much better doing your test in a pleasant environment.
4) Keep your eyes on your speed. We don’t need to explain this one.
5) Don’t give up! If you feel you’ve made a big mistake, keep going. Don’t give up. Show the examiner you can recover from mistakes.
Those are our tips!
Good luck.
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