June 30, 2010


More and more parents are fronting their children’s car insurance in a bid to save money.

Research has shown that around 40% of parents are adding their children to an insurance policy as the named driver when they are in fact the main driver and often the owner of the vehicle being insured.

More worryingly is that many young drivers are driving with no insurance at all. Yet by fronting, it can invalidate the insurance which in effect is the same as driving without any insurance as a claim can be refused by the insurer or the policy cancelled altogether.

Parents believe they can save hundreds of pounds and that it is harmless. However, the risks are substantial in that they can find it hard obtaining insurance in the future and can even be prosecuted, as it is against the law.

There are a number of ways other than this to help reduce young driver’s premiums:

Choose your car carefully, different cars fall into different insurance bands.

Check the car has an alarm and immobiliser fitted.

Do your research – there are lots of insurers out there all fighting for your business.

Pass plus courses will also help to reduce insurance costs and will sharpen your road skills. Click on the pass plus link on our website for a list of insurance companies that support the Pass Plus scheme and for prices.

Natasha Simper of Britannia Driving School said: “I understand that motorists will often cut corners in a bid to save money however, insurance is one you really shouldn’t avoid. Insurance doesn’t have to be expensive if you invest a little of your time into finding the best deal and follow the easy steps highlighted above.”

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