A Self-Driving Mobile Hotel Room

“It’s basically a hotel room so it has everything inside it,” he says. “Whether it’s six hours or 10 hours, you’ll feel comfortable inside it.” – Steve Lee, Designer. Lee has come up with an idea that could make the future of travel awesome, ‘The Autonomous Travel Suite’. Is this far-fetched? Not at all, self-driving cars […]

Drink-Driving Vs Mobile Driving

Any sensible driver knows that there are few threats you can face when behind the wheel as severe as a driver who is under the influence – Any drunk driver poses an immediate danger not only to themselves, but also to fellow passengers, other road users, and even pedestrians anywhere close to their car! However […]

Fall in Convictions For Using A Mobile Whilst Driving

The number of motorists being prosecuted for using their mobile phone while driving has fallen by almost 50%, according to official figures seen by the RAC. Prosecutions have come down by 47% between 2009 and 2014. The fall comes despite figures from the Department for Transport (DfT) showing a persistent number of drivers are still […]

Punishments For Mobile Driving Falling

Latest figures suggest that punishments for people using their mobile phone whilst driving have fallen. Police figures suggest that the penalty points slapped on careless motorists for using cell phones and other hand-held technology whilst behind the wheel have plummeted by almost a quarter last year in England and Wales alone. Despite these figures, using […]

Hand-held mobiles still a problem

Nearly every driver has seen other motorists use a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving according to a recent survey. With the number of deaths and serious injuries on UK roads rising by 4% to nearly 25,000 in 2014, consumer research by used-car specialist British Car Auctions (BCA) found that 95% of respondents had seen other […]

Mobile Phones

It would appear that people are taking the issue of using their mobile phone while driving seriously. The latest figures show that the number of people penalised for using their mobile when driving has dropped from this time last year. We all know the statistics, you are 4 times more likely to crash if you […]

Driving And Mobile Phones – A Persistent Problem

On 1 December the ban on the use of mobile phones whilst driving will be a decade old, but has it been successful in deterring drivers? It is now a criminal offence to use a mobile phone, a law passed after studies showed the risk posed when drivers use their mobile phones, including research which […]

Lincolnshire Police Department: Awareness lessons to be taught against using mobile phones while driving.

Lincolnshire Police department has taken a direct approach to spread awareness against using mobile phones while driving. It would start offering awareness courses to make people realise about the kind of threat it poses. The next time someone commits the mistake of not following the guidelines could be in for a surprise. They would be […]


A 34 year old male from the Norwich area has been convicted after police caught him driving on a 70mph road whilst talking on one mobile and texting on another. Mr Secker, did not appear to be holding the steering wheel, meaning he was found guilty of using a mobile phone whilst driving, not being […]


A MOTORIST caught talking on his mobile phone told police it was a packet of chewing gum, a court heard. John Brown was driving his Mercedes C220 on the A590 near to Ulverston when an off-duty officer on a motorbike says he saw him talking on his phone. The officer, PC Ian D’Arcy, told Furness […]