ORDIT ADI Training

Train the Trainer ADI Course
The purpose of Britannia Driving School’s ORDIT course is to equip the potential trainer with the appropriate knowledge and skills that will enable them to give quality tuition to those wanting to become a driving instructor.
A competency based modular syllabus is used that meets with the regulation and standards required for the Official Register of Driving Instructor Trainers (ORDIT) preparation.
In order to be on the ORDIT register you have to be an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) for 12 months and pass the qualifying ORDIT test.
If you intend to work for yourself then you will need to obtain both premises and trainer’s certificate. Both the trainer and premises are inspected biannually for quality assurance.
Benefits of ORDIT registration
The learner driver market is very competitive, especially during these difficult economic times, therefore, it’s important to develop an edge over other driving schools, and look forward to a rewarding future as an ORDIT trainer.
You can benefit from a big increase in income per session as opposed to cut throat price of ordinary driving lessons today. You will also have fewer miles on your car – most trainees use their own vehicle.
Trainees will travel to you, so you don’t lose time between lessons. An 8 hour working day can be just that. Start and finish at your place of work.
14,000 trainee instructors undergo training each year, each paying around £2500, how many trainees would you have to attract per year to make it rewarding?
Britannia Driving School’s marketing guru will advise you on how to market yourself successfully as an ORDIT trainer.
You’re Investment
The investment for the ORDIT Trainer’s course is £900 for 30 hours of training on a one-to-one course or £1500 for a two-to-one course. The training can also be done on an ongoing hourly base (minimum of 2 hours) for those not needing 30 hours.