When looking for learner driver car insurance it can be tricky to know what to watch out for, especially since a number of insurers will only cover you whilst you’re learning to drive. So buying the cheapest car insurance available could be a false economy, especially if you have to pay-out more for car insurance premiums once you pass.
Young drivers champion, i-kube, are one insurance provider who actually guarantees not to increase your young drivers insurance premium for simply passing your test, unlike a number of other car insurers who can offer cheap provisional insurance but will dramatically increase your premium once you pass your test.
Commenting on behalf of i-kube, Nigel Lombard, Managing Director, stated “the i-kube provisional insurance premium will not increase, as long as the policy holder’s test is not within the first 30 days of cover.”
Mr Lombard added that i-kube will even allow the young driver to keep any No Claims Bonuses they accumulate whilst learning to drive.
When asked how i-kube are able to keep learner driver insurance so low Mr Lombard responded that it was down to the i-kube telematics tracking device that is installed in the young driver’s car once they buy the car insurance policy.
He went on to explain that the device simply tracks the time of day the young person is driving ” if they’re found to be driving between 11pm ” 5am (the “red hours) they incur a £100 penalty to their premium. This is due to statistical evidence that road accidents are more likely to occur at this time. As long as the young driver stays off the road between these hours they will be deemed less of a risk and will be entitled to more competitive car insurance premiums. He added:
“With so many learner drivers taking lessons off qualified instructors and parents the chances are that they won’t be driving at these times anyway so this shouldn’t be a problem for the vast majority of them.”
As with any car insurance policy i-kube recommends that young drivers read through the terms and conditions of the policy to ensure the provisional insurance is right for them.
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