Driving at Night

Some motorists are unnerved by night-driving, as statistics reveal that fatal car crashes are actually four times more likely to occur at night than during the day. Some of the reasons for this are obvious, like having reduced visibility, but it’s also because people are more likely to drink and drive in the later hours. Using […]

Driving at Night

Most learner drivers will opt to have their lessons in broad daylight, and consequently find themselves struggling to adapt when the necessity comes to drive in the darker hours. Many drivers will admit that this is a different ball-game altogether, but how do you ensure that you stay safe behind the wheel at night? – […]

Driving at Night is like Drink Driving – They Say.

A new European study published this month reports that prolonged nighttime driving can be just as hazardous as driving drunk. Researchers at Utrecht University in the Netherlands found that driving for just three hours at night was similar to being drunk. Even two hours behind the wheel after dark was like having a strong buzz. […]

Top Tips For Nighttime Driving

If you’re keen on improving your driving skills or want to practise for your driving test more, then one of the best ways for you to learn will be to step outside your comfort zone. Try driving in new or unfamiliar areas, tackling different test routes – Or even driving at nighttime. Driving at nighttime […]

Friday Night Driving

We’ve made it – The end of another week, and time to start the weekend before we’re all due back at work on Monday morning. Will you be driving this weekend? If so, make sure to read our top tips fro Friday night driving right here. Due to the excitement caused by the first night […]

Brighter Night Driving

As summer draws closer, we find ourselves leaving work for the commute home on increasingly brighter nights. Having left the dark nights of winter behind us, it certainly makes for a much more pleasant drive home! Not only does the brighter night driving improve your mood on evening driving, but it also makes for safer […]

Driving on Dark Nights

As the weather gets colder around us and we find ourselves in the midst of autumn, we also slowly become aware of another danger on the roads at this time of year – The darkness. Although many may write this off as not a hazard, driving in the darkness is an activity that needs to […]

Night-time Driving Tips to Make an Easier Ride Back Home.

We often make mistakes when complacency starts creeping in! The experts claim it to be the major reason behind most of the fatal incidents taking place on the roads. The night-time driving has its own set of safety guidelines to be followed. We cannot run away from the fact that a feeling of tiredness starts […]

Driving Safely And Avoiding Accidents At Night

Every driver’s vision is reduced at night. It’s more difficult to see road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. It also takes time for eyes to adjust to the darkness after being in a lit building or after driving on a well-lit road. What’s more, in darkness it is harder to judge speed and […]

Driving long at night as bad as being behind the wheel drunk

Ever wondered why most of the road accidents occur in the night? It’s because, being behind the wheel for over three hours at night makes motorists as bad as driving under the influence of alcohol, scientists say. Researchers at Utrecht University in the Netherlands found that the tiredness after a few hours of non-stop driving […]