Driving in the City…

Driving in the busy city presents a great many challenges, no matter how experienced a driver you are. Traffic tends to be heavier and slower moving, you may find yourself in what seems like a maze of one-way streets, your view is often impeded and crossing pedestrians can seemingly appear from out of nowhere. Despite […]

Driving Into the Back of Another Vehicle

It can happen to anyone of us, particularly in stop-start traffic and/or if we become distracted while driving. If you go into the back of another vehicle, the first thing you should do make sure that no one (yourself included!) is hurt. Stay calm – crashing your car can be an alarming experience but losing […]

The New Driving Test 2017

According to the DVSA (The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency), the driving test in England, Wales and Scotland is set to change as of December 2017 and will include new features and requirements. Transport Minister Andrew Jones reported that our roads are among the safest in the world. That said, traffic collisions are the biggest killer […]

Yellow Box Junctions

Many people forget the law about box junctions and will drive into them without checking that they won’t end up stationery in one. By understanding correctly how to use a yellow box junction you can help keep traffic flowing and promote safe driving. Obstructing a yellow box junction can result in a fine, and it […]

People Still Using Their Phones While Driving

According to RAC Research, nearly one in four drivers in Britain still make or receive calls while driving – despite the doubling of penalties for the offence in March 2017, increased to six points and a £200 fine. Furthermore, using your mobile phone when driving is a major distraction that could cause a major accident! […]

Driving in Windy Conditions

Driving in windy weather can present all kinds of hazards. It’s vital that you take precautions before getting behind the wheel on a windy day to keep you and your passengers safe. Firstly ask yourself – is your journey really necessary? Listen to the news to keep up to date with road closures to avoid […]

What is Engine Idling?

Engine idling is when you leave your engine running while your vehicle is stationary. People often do this when stuck in traffic jams, or waiting to pick someone up for a lift. Engine idling is bad for the environment; car fumes contain a number of harmful gasses including carbon dioxide, which can contribute towards climate change, not […]

Emergency Vehicles

Upon hearing the wail of an approaching siren, drivers will instinctively do what they can to move out of the way as fast as possible. Even though this is ideally the right thing to do, you still run the risk of being hit with a hefty fine – purely because road laws still apply in […]

Bank Holidays Behind The Wheel

Hopefully we all had a great Bank Holiday weekend to start this week off – We know we did! But here at Britannia, we think about more than having a lie-in on our days off, or where we’re going to for the weekend… We’re thinking about our driving pupils of course! If you had a […]

Travelling with Babies and/or Children

All vehicle passengers need to be correctly restrained by seat belts or safety seats to avoid injury in the case of road traffic accidents. Children are among the most precious and vulnerable of passengers, being smaller, still developing and less aware of dangers. Specially designed child car seats reduce the risk of injury to children by 82% and reduce the […]