Motorists Caught On Phones

Over 700 motorists were caught using their mobile phones while driving in a week long police enforcement campaign. Thames Valley Police finished the joint operation with Hampshire Constabulary, on Saturday night. Fixed penalty points and fines were handed out to drivers including 117 in Berkshire and 136 in Bucks. This campaign served to remind motorists […]

Hazard Perception to use CGI

The DVSA is to start using hazard perception tests, replacing the old classic video scenes with more accurate digital ones. This is in order to make the clips more accurate and realistic. Though the current video clips used are good, CGI technologies can provide a much better visual experience than what most classic imagery used […]

New Year’s Eve With Britannia

Tonight is the final night of 2014 and it has been a fantastic year. We’ve had another successful year for both our pupils and instructors. As the year draws to an end, we would like to wish all of our staff, pupils, instructors and fans all the best of luck for the coming year. As always we hope […]

New Scottish Drink-Drive Limit

Scotland introduced a new legal drink-drive limit on midnight Thursday which was reduced from 80mg to 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. This has brought the limit in line with much of Europe but lower than the rest of the UK. Though the new limit was enforced at midnight, by 6am four people had […]

Breaking Down This Winter

The Christmas Season is finally upon us; Christmas parties are in full swing, families are journeying to visit, hectic shopping has taken over the next few weekends and mothers across the country are dropping presents off to friends and family members like there’s no tomorrow. So I’m sure we all have plans for our cars […]

Top Tips To Stay Safe This Winter

Winter is fast-approaching so it is important to remember how to stay safe when driving in winter. Here are Britannia’s top tips: The sun sits lower in the sky in winter, which can result in glare, as can snow, so don’t put away your sunglasses just yet! Keep a winter ready kit in your car […]

Winter-Proof Your Car

We are all surely feeling the oncoming effects of the slowly approaching winter – the drop in temperature, the darker mornings, the weather gradually becoming foggier and wetter as the days go on. And there is no place you are likely to feel the effects of the winter season more so than in your car […]

Disqualified Just After Passing Test

An 18-year-old has been disqualified for drink driving less than 3 months after passing his test. Alexander Picken, from Walsall in the West Midlands, was found to have 55mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath where the legal limit is 35mg/100ml. He had been driving after midnight when his vehicle struck a kerb and travelled […]

When To Take Your Lessons

It is very common for learners to be fitting their lessons into a schedule around school or work. The result of this is that learners will tend to take their lessons at the same time each day and even the same days each week. This is not the productive way to take lessons since you […]

Limits For New Drivers

Older, experienced drivers do fear getting into a car with a newly qualified young driver, gritting their teeth and clutching at the sides of their seat. Is this a fair criticism of young drivers? A poll of more than 2000 adults found that 68% supported some form of ‘graduated licensing’ for young drivers in their […]