Driving in the dark

It is approaching the time of year when a great many of us will be driving to and from work in the dark. For this reason it is important to check that your lights are working properly and used when appropriate! Obviously we use our headlights when driving in the dark in order to see clearly […]

Driving Test Preparation and Practice

Before booking your driving test it definitely helps to know what things are more likely to thwart your chances of passing, in order to make sure you don’t fall victim to any of them! Always observe at junctions. Check properly before pulling out and not just give a cursory glance – use your brain as […]

The Dangers of Drinking and Driving

That time of year is fast approaching – while it might seem convenient to dive behind the wheel after a couple of drinks at the pub, the results of drinking and driving could be devastating. Being in charge of a vehicle while above the legal limit or unfit through drink may result in 3 months’ imprisonment, […]

10 top tips for passing your driving test…

It’s always advisable to plan you time when preparing to pass your driving test – right from the beginning when you embark on your first lesson. Manage your expectations and set yourself goals, don’t try and run before you can walk (or drive before you can steer!!!) Ensure that your lessons are regular, taking long […]

Talking Whilst Driving

When it comes to driving, concentration is everything. If you’re sat behind the wheel, things can often change in a split second, so you need to maintain your focus to make sure you can always react exactly as you need to to avoid making any mistakes or putting yourself or others in danger. Because of […]

Anxiety and Driving

You can be fined up to £1,000 if you don’t inform the DVLA of a medical condition that may affect your driving, and may even be prosecuted if you’re involved in an accident as a result. Anxiety is no exception. While a little bit of anxiety may keep you alert and focused on what’s around you, experiencing […]

Improper Footwear When Driving

There’s a fair amount of uncertainty regarding whether it’s against the law to drive barefoot, in flip flops or stiletto heels. The Highway Code states that motorists must not wear footwear that compromises their ability to use the vehicle foot controls properly. Specifically, Rule 97 of the Highway Code states that before setting off on […]

Driving Knowledge Is Driving Power

As a learner driver, you’re likely looking for tips to improve your skills all the time. Whether that’s advice on clutch control or even briefing on the theory or driving tests from more experienced learners, a little knowledge never hurt. Always keep developing your knowledge – This might be revising possible questions you could be […]

Top Tips For Nighttime Driving

If you’re keen on improving your driving skills or want to practise for your driving test more, then one of the best ways for you to learn will be to step outside your comfort zone. Try driving in new or unfamiliar areas, tackling different test routes – Or even driving at nighttime. Driving at nighttime […]

Constructive Driving Criticism

When it comes to driving, it all comes down to confidence. There’s nothing that can make you lose concentration as much as someone berating your driving ability, whereas positive feedback of your skills behind the wheel will have a profound impact on your skills. Make sure to always offer constructive criticism of other drivers – […]