Blind man arrested for drunk driving!

A blind man was fined 500 euros and attained a one-month sentence for drink driving and driving without a license in a French court on Friday. The man who cannot be named for legal reasons was a 29-year-old blind journalist who was arrested after driving the vehicle with a passenger who was also drunk. The […]

Driving with passengers

When driving it is more than likely that you will experience passengers in your car, as the driver you must ensure that seatbelts are provided for them and that they are worn. Although as the driver you are solely responsible for passengers and the wearing of their belt if they are 14 years and under, […]

Changes to ‘show me/tell me’ questions

July 1st 2008 saw a change to the vehicle safety questions of ‘show me/ tell me’ questions that were originally introduced in September 2003. The new additions include questions that cover a wider range of vehicle topics. The questions that learner drivers have to compulsorily answer as part of the theory test have now changed […]

Random breath tests are queued to crackdown on drink driving!

Police are urging ministers for the power to undertake random breath tests on motorists in a ploy to cut the number of drink driving offences. At present, police officers are only authorized to breathalyse motorists if a vehicle is being driven erratically or a motoring offence has been embarked. This comes at the same time […]

Night driving

For a new driver, experiencing different driving situations can sometimes be a little daunting. However, it is all about safe practice and correct procedure. One driving situation a driver will experience at least once in their life is night driving. This term refers to driving a vehicle in the late evening or night time when […]

Tailgaters endanger the safe driver

Tailgaters are people, who drive too close to other cars, normally wanting to overtake, cause disruption or make the driver in front speed up. According to national figures, tailgaters are twice as likely to follow safe drivers who stick at the speed limit. Tailgaters are responsible for around 10,000 road accidents per year in Britain […]

Police Driving incidents on the increase

Many accidents per year are caused by wreck less and careless driving. Drink driving is an obvious main component but many accidents are also caused by tiredness, eating whilst driving, speaking on the mobile and other activities that take drivers hundred percent concentrations off the road. When these accidents occur, the prime thing that happens […]

The New sophistication of the Sat Nav

The Sat Nav already can be considered as a sophisticated driving device, but now there are plans to better the aid completely by adding a special feature. This characteristic will warn drivers when they are travelling on the most dangerous roads in Britain. This will be programmed into the satellite device so that drivers can […]

Driving fatigue – The facts

Driving fatigue is the mishap of a driver feeling sleepy or tired. As a driver, you must ensure that you are fit and healthy to commence any journey. If you are feeling in any way tired, then it is strictly recommended you do not drive. It is reported that driver lethargy causes at least 10 […]

Mobile phone use on the increase

The number of drivers caught using a hand-held mobile phone has risen by almost a third, according to a report by the Ministry of Justice, despite a recent controversial government campaign warning drivers of the dangers. The figures show a dramatic increase in police taking action, having recently been granted greater powers to deal with […]