Mr Ashworth of Oxfordshire was found guilty of death by careless driving after he knocked down a cyclist. At the time of the accident Mr Ashworth was not licensed, not insured (as the car was borrowed from a neighbour) and he was under the influence of drink and drugs. The judge made it very clear […]

A driver tries to climb a mountain.

WALKERS hiking up Snowdon – the highest mountain in England and Wales – were shocked to find a car, apparently driven by a Cheltenham man, parked just a few hundred yards from the summit. Mountain rescuers yesterday branded as “dangerous” the audacity of the driver who steered the 4×4 vehicle up the 3,560ft mountain. It […]


Driving brings people a real sense of freedom but with it requires training, experience, patience and determination. By having lessons with a qualified instructor, you will receive the proper training, learn the requirements to pass the test and gain immense experience that you couldn’t gain through learning independently. The more road experience you have the […]


Driving brings people a real sense of freedom but with it requires training, experience, patience and determination. By having lessons with a qualified instructor, you will receive the proper training, learn the requirements to pass the test and gain immense experience that you couldn’t gain through learning independently. The more road experience you have the […]

Police talking to Huhne

POLICE probing claims that Cabinet minister Chris Huhne dodged a motoring offence have met with prosecutors to decide how to proceed with the case, it was revealed last night. The Crown Prosecution Service confirmed that a representative had “given advice” to Essex Police investigators on Friday. The Energy Secretary was accused of persuading ex-wife Vicky […]

Should we listen to our American Cousins?

They were almost identical cases, 3,000 miles apart, each costing the lives of two young people killed by a drunk, speeding driver. Dominic Hartley and Emily Lewis, both 21, were mown down and killed after landing dream jobs at a summer camp in America last June. And in the UK, Mark Crompton, 20, and his […]

Drink Drivers

The Road Traffic and Highways (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill was successfully taken through its clauses stage by Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne MHK. The bill increases the minimum ban for drink-drivers from one to two years and the maximum from three to five years. It sets out that someone whose drink-drive reading is between 115mg and 173mg […]

What Do the Stars’ Drive?

From Hollywood actors to Boris Johnson, a host of well-known figures have been raising the profile of electric vehicles. So why are these cars fast becoming the latest celebrity ‘must have’? At last month’s Academy Awards ceremony in the US, a number of actors chose to arrive at the red carpet in electric vehicles rather […]

‘L’ for Learner or Loser Teacher?

SWEARING aloud at hat-wearing Volvo drivers who dawdle along at 30 kilometres below the speed limit has recently become non de rigueur. So too has beeping my horn at people who don’t know how to use roundabouts, justifying slight speed excesses with the “running late” excuse, playing the Mamma Mia soundtrack in the car at […]


Unfortunately we all age and with this comes responsibility to make sure we are still capable of things we have done all our lives such as driving. Don’t wait for problems to occur, keep on top of your health. If you experience any of the following, seek advice: Difficultly reading Feeling confused on the road […]