Stay Warm When Driving

There’s no denying it now – Summer is officially over. Gone are the days of driving with the roof or even windows down, we are now at the start of the winter months, and whilst it may be cosy when you’re cuddled by a warm fire, it is not as much fun when you’re out […]

The Best Roads For Driving On

Our recent article covered the variety of debates that drivers can (and often do!) have with each other. One such topic that many find it possible to argue about is the best place to drive in their cars. For many drivers, the thought of motorway driving fills them with dread and fear, with the country […]

Driving Debates Forward

When it comes to the world of driving, there’s so much variety that it seems everyone has a different opinion on each topic. For example, should you drive a manual or an automatic? Petrol or Diesel? Women drivers or male drivers? That’s one of the great things about driving though – With so much room […]

Hazards of Halloween Driving

We recently ran an article on our top tips for Halloween Driving – However with it being the main event tonight, we here at Britannia Driving School thought it best to reiterate the dangers of being behind the wheel at this time of year. One main thing to watch out for is other people, particularly […]

Driving Safe This Halloween

The nature of driving changes often throughout the year – From the refreshing pleasure of driving in springtime, to the glorious enjoyment of driving in the summer, there are certainly a few differences when it comes to being behind the wheel in different seasons. One time you really need to be on your guard is […]

The Hardest Part Of The Driving Test

Here at Britannia Driving School, we understand that everyone has a different experience of learning to drive. That’s what makes it special – It is a unique process that almost every person goes through, yet we may all face entirely different challenges during the course of learning to drive. Some people may find the biggest […]

Socialising Whilst Driving

There are many advantages of being a driver – It might be that it makes your morning commute easier and more convenient than using public transport, or it might be that it allows you the freedom to get around more without the need to cadge a lift off of another driver. However one thing driving […]

Simple Driving Test Mistakes

You have probably heard lots of horror stories about the many things that can go hideously wrong on a driving test – Whether that’s the examiner being forced to stop the test early for fear of their own safety or even worse, rolling the car onto its roof in the first few minutes! The truth […]

Making The Right Driving Decisions

Ask anyone what the key to good driving is, and you will likely get a variety of different answers. Some may say that good steering is the root of being safe behind the wheel, whereas others may say a good knowledge of driving theory is vital – It’s quite a divisive subject. However one thing […]

Driving With Pedestrians

Driving a car presents many challenges to even the most experienced road user. From the initial phase of learning to drive and passing the driving test, all the way up to mastering motorways and more, you never really stop learning as a driver. One challenge many may face is when you’re faced with driving in […]