Cold Mornings.

We hear you, we really do! We know what’s it like getting up early when it’s dark and climbing into your car only to freeze for the first 10 minutes. When it’s this cold, cars can take a little longer to warm up, so what do you do in the meantime to fight the freeze? […]


Fred England took to the Seafront in Great Yarmouth at just 18, transporting passengers on his horse-drawn carriage alongside his grandfather, parents and siblings. 25 years later Mr England still carries passengers but he now has a hurdle in the way. Great Yarmouth Borough Council told him that to renew his licence he now needs […]


When approaching, coming out of, and turning into junctions you are required to exercise due care and attention. Yet, time and time again we see people fail to take the proper measures when it comes to junctions. When you are approaching a junction remember to do so slowly. Take the time to look both left […]

Vulnerable Road Users

As mentioned in the Highway Code, the most vulnerable road users are pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders. It goes onto to say that you need to be aware of children, older and disabled people, and learner drivers. With this is mind you need to be cautious when driving and take particular caution when you […]


Introducing the new electric car driven by software running on an Android smartphone, no humans necessary. The idea behind the cars is similar to club car and zip car, where cars are dotting around the city and individuals use them on a need to use basis. However, these cars will come right to your door […]

Do your part

Many people do not realise that they can either contribute to either road safety or road danger. But you can, just by watching the way you drive and being responsible, create a safer environment for everyone. The first thing to do when you get into the car is have the right attitude. When you are […]

Driving Where?

Been able to drive gives us a great opportunity to go to some wonderful places in the UK. There are literally so many places to visit; whether you’re taking your self, your loved one, or loved ones. Packing the clan in the car, giving someone the responsibility to navigate, the other to be in charge […]

Always Be Alert

When you are driving you need to be alert all the time. Unfortunately, one of the things we see happening, time and time again, is that people lose focus after they have been driving for some time. It’s always better to be a confident driver than a nervous driver. A confident driver is ready and […]

Babies on Board

For those of us who had our babies before we took to the road and had a car, you will remember the times we were waiting at bus stops, in the rain, fighting against the masses of people to get a place on the bus. It’s these memories that makes us feel so utterly happy […]

Take responsibility for passing the driving test

When people fail the driving test they blame someone else. Blame for not passing the driving test can fall on: (a) the driving examiner (b) the driving instructor. You and only you are responsible for passing the driving test. By being responsible for passing, you are also responsible for failing. There are many stories about […]