12 year old driver crashes car

A 12 year old girl in Limerick was recently arrested with driving offences. The girl which cannot be named for legal reasons drove a vehicle around the streets of Limmerick around 4am in the morning and was arrested later when she crashed into the Garda car. Garda is the Police force in Limmerick and after […]

Night driving

For a new driver, experiencing different driving situations can sometimes be a little daunting. However, it is all about safe practice and correct procedure. One driving situation a driver will experience at least once in their life is night driving. This term refers to driving a vehicle in the late evening or night time when […]

CCTV to issue parking tickets

It is a pain when you receive a ticket but at the end of the day, you have to remember it is the law and you are only issued a ticket if you are illegally parked or not following specific guidelines. The parking restrictions that are in place are generally used to help the flow […]

Police Driving incidents on the increase

Many accidents per year are caused by wreck less and careless driving. Drink driving is an obvious main component but many accidents are also caused by tiredness, eating whilst driving, speaking on the mobile and other activities that take drivers hundred percent concentrations off the road. When these accidents occur, the prime thing that happens […]

Lies, damned lies and Insurance claims

Motorinsurance.co.uk has compiled a list of the most bizarre claims received over the past year, including the following gems. “The accident happened because I had one eye on the lorry in front, one eye on the pedestrian and the other on the car behind” “I had a massive argument with my father, after which he […]