More and more people are resorting to installing dash cams in their vehicles, especially cyclists. Some claim that the rise of drivers and cyclists using dash cams is a response to police resource cuts whilst other believe it is a response to a growing number of bogus insurance claims.
It has also emerged that very few police forces collated information about highway patrol hours. It was also confirmed that police forces are now using publicly-supplied footage to secure convictions.
A cyclist in Harlow in Essex arms his bike with three separate cameras and says his footage have led to more than 70 convictions for a variety of driving offences. He said in the course of recording he has been driven off the road, sworn at, subjected to dangerously close passes and physically assaulted.
In addition to the peace of mind these dash cams offer, they can also save money on car insurance with a number of providers offering a reduction in your premium for having one. For example, Swiftcover offers a discount from 10%-12.5% if you install its recommended model.
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