If you use your car in connection with your job, standard car insurance may not offer the protection you require. After all, normal car insurance provides cover for social use and commuting only. Any driver whose occupation demands they drive their own car for work purposes will need to have business car insurance.
The premiums might be higher, but don’t let this make you run the risk of sticking with standard protection as this could lead to your policy being invalidated.
There are several different business car insurance options and it’s important that you know what type is most suited to your particular needs. These include the following:
Business use by you, which allow you to drive in connection with the business, including away from your normal place of work – for instance, if you were a sales rep.
Another type of policy is business use for all drivers – this offers a similar level of cover as the first option, but with the added benefit that more than one driver can be included on the policy.
Finally there is the commercial travelling policy, covering individuals who drive as a permanent aspect of their job. The fact that you will be spending a lot of time on the road and/or driving long distances will more than likely reflect in the policy price.
Safe driving from Britannia!